10 Problems That Onions Solve Better Than Medications

Sliced OnionsA lot of scientific studies published on the compounds of onions show that they are so potent that they can be used in all kinds of treatments of different diseases.
Namely, they can successfully fight the growth of many types of tumors, help to promote healthy hormone function, they enhance immune function and are highly protective to the nerves and the cardiovascular system. And that is not all.

This miracle of the nature has remarkable effects in lowering cholesterol, helps to maintain healthy blood pressure, inhibits hardening of the arteries and enhances elasticity of blood vessels. Moreover, onion also helps in fighting cancer and is a great risk-reducing food.

In addition, onion has been proven to possess significant blood sugar-modifying properties which represent real help in the fight against both type 2 diabetes and obesity. In addition to limiting your intake of fats and sugars, eating onions maintain a normal level of your blood sugar and your weight.

Medical properties of Onion

Onions have antibacterial property and eliminate toxins from the body. Also, they are loaded with a flavonoid called Quercetin, which acts as a powerful antioxidant, antihistamine, anti-cholesterol, and anti-inflammatory. The highest concentration of this flavonoidis located in the part of the bulb closest to the onion root and its outer most rings nearest the skin. 

It is highly advisable that you always eat organic grown onions if possible. This article will present you the most important uses of onion that will show you its numerous uses in the everyday life, as well as easy recipes for onion treatments:

1. Onions for earache and wax build up

10 Problems That Onions Solve Better Than Medications
Due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, onion will significantly relieve your pain in the ear. If you suffer from frequent earache or constant ear wax build up, simply put an onion in your ear, but only its most inner part, called the heart of the onion. This procedure will also soften the ear wax making it easier to remove. You will soon feel the results, all you need is to apply the onion before going to sleep.

2. Lowering fever

Here is a recipe for bringing down a fever:

-Chop some potatoes and onions, add some minced garlic and put the mixture in a pair of socks. Put the socks on your feet and get in bed. Next, apply a cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar on your forehead, and in the next hour, your temperature will come down.

3. Remove an eye irritant

In case of an eye irritation, just cut a piece of onion to get the tears flowing up. This will ease the irritant out of your eye. Be careful not to rub your eyes because you can worsen the condition and cause serious injury.

4. Cure a cough

Onions in bulkIn cases of a cough, do the following simple, effective and cheap natural remedy:

Take one large onion, peel it and cut it in half, cover the tops of both halves in ½ tablespoon brown sugar. The brown sugar makes the onion juice more palatable. Then, leave the mixture to sit for an hour and then hollow up the syrupy contents from the dish.Consume the remedy twice a day.

Another option is to prepare a juice of honey and onion. The honey will soothe your cough, and onion has powerful antibiotic properties.

5. Help cold

Since ancient times, onion has been used as an effective for cold. You can eat a whole raw onion at the first sign of a cold, or you can boil the onion and drink it in tea with ginger and honey.

6. Heal a burn

The burn will be healed instantly and there will be no scars after using this miraculous homemade onion remedy. Just slice the onion in half and apply it directly to the burn. Let it stay for 2 minutes, and after a minute, you will start to feel relieve.

Then, whip up some egg whites and apply it to the burned area and let it dry in order to form a protective barrier. In the end, cover the burn with a clean gauze bandage, which should be replaced when necessary.

7. Soothe bee stings and other insect bites

In case a bee or wasp stings you, the first thing you should do is to remove the stinger from your skin. Then,take a grated or crushed white onion and cover the bite. You will soon reduce the swelling and the natural antihistamine will prevent allergic reaction, since onions have anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Heal a cut

Onion can have beneficial effects in the case of a sudden cut. First simply apply a slice of onion on it to prevent infection and to clean it. Then, apply some of the onion skin and place it over top of the cut to seal it. Consequently, the wound will be cleaned and the bleeding will stop very quickly.

In case of larger cuts, place a small piece of gauze or some paper medical tape to keep the onion skin in place. Take care to change the gauze twice a day.

9. Heal an infection

Onions in a basketIf you need to draw out an infection, prepare the following onion paste:

-Boil milk and pour it onto a thick slice of white bread. Then, grate an onion on top of the bread, and mash all into a paste. Clean the infected area and apply the paste on the infected place. Make sure you sit still to allow the paste to harden and pull the infection out of the body.

Take care not to break the seal, and after a few hours, the infection will start to come out the body. The wound should be cleaned regularly, and the procedure is repeated until you have drawn out the infection.

10. Heal surgical wounds

As presented above, onion is a potent and effective natural remedy which will heal your wound without the help of any drugs. Furthermore, it is particularly useful since it prevents scars, and is also very suitable for treatments of individuals with darker skin.

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