Kentucky Baked Chicken

Kentucky Baked Chicken


  • 8 chicken drumstick
  • 2 egg beaten
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 tsp paprika mild
  • 1 tsp garlic
  • 1 tsp dried parsley ground
  • 1 1/2 tsp dried parsley chopped
  • 1 canola oil spray

Kentucky Baked Chicken

  • STEP 1Pre-heat oven to 220C.
  • STEP 2Slash chicken skin and coat in egg.
  • STEP 3Combine flour with all spices.
  • STEP 4Roll the chicken in the flour and spice mix.
  • STEP 5Place on a lightly sprayed oven tray and bake for 15 minutes.
  • STEP 6Turn and bake for another 15-20 minutes until golden and crispy and chicken is cooked through.
  • STEP 7Serve with hot chips or salad.

What COCA COLA Does To Your Body (Picture)

This is what One Can of Coke Does to Your Body in Only One Hour....

What COCA COLA Does To Your Body (Picture)

It’s pretty eye opening. (Photo: Getty Images)

“Soda is a health food!” said no one, ever (well, in the past 20 years, at least). So it hardly comes as a surprise that drinking soda can have a negative impact on your body.
But while most of us know soda isn’t good for us, we also don’t know exactly what happens to our bodies once we drink it.

10 Best Nigerian Foods For Colon Cleansing

Bread, flour and pasta, as well as other whole grain foods items are rich in fiber, low in calories and cholesterol, so they aid in better digestion and enable colon cleansing.

1. Avocado

Avocado is rich in omega-3 fatty acid and oils that help to lubricate the walls of the intestines, which helps in the prevention of toxins to stick to the walls and they get flushed out.

Recommended: Garnish-your-meal-with-garden-egg-stew

2. Beans & Lentils

These represent a youth anti-inflammatory food, since they are bursting with antioxidants and phytonutrients, apart from one of the richest sources of fiber on the planet. Lentils, legumes and beans are known to aid digestion and cleanse the colon as well.

Beans and legumes are also incredibly nutrient-dense and a nutritional storehouse of proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium and B vitamins.

Adding just ½ cup of beans or legumes to your diet daily will dramatically boost your fiber intake by approximately 8 to 11 grams.

When it comes to protein, unlike conventional animal food sources such as beef or milk, beans and legumes are packed with hormone-free, steroid-free and antibiotic-free ultra “clean” plant protein.

Diets rich in resistant starch detoxify the body, and since this resistant starch is a probiotic fiber, it suppresses “bad” bacteria and promotes “good” bacteria.

It also normalizes bowel function and supports a healthy digestive system in general. More good bacteria in the digestive system will improve the immune function, promote colon health and ease the fight against diseases.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is an extremely favorable item to use when you want to cleanse your colon and lose weight. It is loaded with antioxidants which are great for cleaning the colon and improving bowel functions. It is also very beneficial as it is high in vitamin C, which helps to remove toxins from the body. In general, herbal tea, such as peppermint tea, senna leaf, flaxseed or other types will all work just as well as a colon cleanser.

4. Fruit

Fruits are rich in fiber and antioxidants, so they should be part of the daily routine, especially when one plans to conduct a colon cleansing procedure.

5. Lemon

Lemon and all citrus fruits in general are great for cleansing the system. Lemons can rid the large intestine of waste matter build up and also act as an antiseptic, which hinders the growth of microorganisms. You can simply cleanse and detoxify your system by consuming a glass of water with lemon juice every morning.

7. Fermented Foods

A vast network of beneficial bacteria forms the human digestive system,and they are responsible for battling harmful bacteria, digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating toxins. When these bacteria are out of balance, serious issues in the digestive health may occur, and the damage will worsen as the time of this bacterial imbalance lasts.

Environmental and food chemicals, antibiotic drugs, processed foods, and other factors damage the gut flora, so it is crucial to supplement with probiotic bacteria and eat plenty of fermented, probiotic-rich foods, which include fermented beverages like Kombucha tea and kefir, and cultured vegetables like tempeh, Greek yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut.

8. Dark Leafy Greens

Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale will help to clean the colon and protect the digestive tract from different ailments, since they are rich inchlorophyll.Fat-soluble chlorophyll adheres to the lining of the intestinal wall and retards bacterial growth, removes putrefied bacteria from the colon, and helps heal the mucus lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spinach and kale are the optimal choices, but other vegetables of this group, such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, collard greens, green olives, asparagus,  sea vegetables like seaweed, leeks, peas, and Swiss chard are all high in chlorophyll, which means they can help cleanse your digestive tract and detoxify your liver as well.

9. Aloe Vera

Improve digestion, detox the body, and treat skin conditions with the extremely beneficial and potent aloe Vera juice.

Aloe Vera juice has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can help with a host of conditions and diseases, relieving symptoms brought on by excessive inflammation in the body. It can be an important all-natural supplement to a healthy lifestyle when used correctly.

Many symptoms are brought on or worsened by inflammation, including arthritis and even cancer. Aloe Vera is a perfect way to keep your inflammation in check. Aloe Vera comes in many different varieties, but it is advisable to opt for organic brands of aloe Vera juice that are in concentrated form whenever possible.

10. Apples & Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple fruit for healthy living
Apple is a potent cleansing agent, so many colon-cleansing techniques include either whole apples, apple sauce, apple juice, or apple cider vinegar.

It is high in fiber so it is beneficial for healthy digestion, but it is also rich in pectin, a carbohydrate compound that acts as a thickening agent inside the gut.

When taken in therapeutic doses, pectin can help root out built-up toxins in the colon and strengthen the intestinal lining. This compound is also found in the rinds of citrus fruits and in bananas, and they have the ability to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body.

Source: HealthyFoodHouse

What is a Health Savings Account?

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged medical savings account you can contribute to and draw money from for certain medical expenses tax-free.
Health Savings Account
Image Source:

Health Savings Accounts FAQs

A health savings account can be a powerful financial tool to cover medical expenses and save for the future.

As employers search for ways to lower their health care costs, they’re encouraging employees to sign up for a high-deductible health insurance policy paired with a health savings account. An HSA gives you a triple tax break: Your contributions are sheltered from income taxes, the money grows tax-deferred, and the funds can be withdrawn tax-free for medical expenses. It’s like a supercharged flexible spending account that never expires, and it can even serve as an extra retirement-savings fund. Most employers also add a few hundred dollars to the accounts each year as a bonus. Below we answer your questions about how HSAs work and how to make the most of them.

How do I know if I can make Health Savings Account contributions? 

If your policy has a deductible of at least $1,300 for individual coverage and $2,600 for family coverage in 2015, you may be eligible to contribute to an HSA. But not all high-deductible policies are HSA-eligible. The policy must also make everything subject to the same deductible (other than preventive care, which must be covered by all health plans without any deductible or cost-sharing). Some plans, for example, aren’t eligible because they have a separate deductible for prescription drugs. Ask your insurer or employer if the plan is HSA-eligible; plans aren’t always clearly marked, especially on the state exchanges. 

What can I pay for with HSA money? 

You can use the money tax-free for out-of-pocket medical expenses, such as your deductible, co-payments for medical care and prescription drugs, or bills not covered by insurance, such as vision and dental care. 

Is there a time limit for using it?

There’s no time limit for using the money, and you can even use it tax-free for many medical expenses in retirement. You can re­imburse yourself for the money that Social Security withholds from your benefits to pay Medicare Part B (which will be $104.90 per month for most people in 2015), and you can also make tax-free HSA withdrawals to pay Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage premiums (but not medigap premiums). You may also make tax-free withdrawals to cover a portion of long-term-care premiums based on your age ($3,800 per year if age 61 to 70, and $4,750 if older than 70 in 2015).

How much can I contribute to an HSA? 

You can contribute up to $3,350 if you have individual coverage or $6,650 if you have family coverage in 2015, plus up to $1,000 if you’re 55 or older anytime during the year. Your contributions are pretax if made through your employer or tax-deductible if you’re on your own, and you can use the money tax-free for medical expenses in any year.

Where can I open a health savings account? 

Many banks and brokerage firms offer health savings accounts, and you can open an account anywhere as long as you have an HSA-eligible health insurance policy. Most employers and insurers have relationships with specific HSA administrators, but you aren’t required to use their plan. 

Can I contribute to an Health Savings Account (HSA) after age 65? 

You can withdraw the HSA money tax-free for medical expenses at any age, but you can no longer contribute to an HSA after you sign up for Medicare. 

What happens if I want to use the money for non-medical expenses?

If you use the money for non-medical expenses before age 65, you’ll have to pay a 20% penalty plus taxes on the withdrawals. The penalty goes away after age 65, but you’ll still have to pay taxes if the withdrawals aren’t for eligible medical expenses.


Possible Dangers of Tramadol

Tramadol is typically used for the management of moderate to severe pain, such as for after surgery and for ongoing pain from arthritis. When it was approved in 1995, tramadol was thought to be safer and have a lower risk of addiction than other narcotic pain relievers, with fewer gastrointestinal side effects for older adults who needed long-term pain relief.
See: How to gain-weight-fast-safely-with-nigeria-foods
Possible Dangers of Tramadol
But as the number of prescriptions soared – reports of drug abuse and addiction problems also increased. Last year, tramadol was reclassified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule IV controlled substance, similar to Valium and Xanax. With the paucity of strong pain medications in Nigeria (thanks to the excessive regulation and control by FMOH and NAFDAC) tramadol use is on the increase in Nigeria.


In Nigeria I have encountered patients on inappropriate doses, patients on other conflicting medications and some addicted patients seeking detoxicification. Many users/prescribers are unaware that doses over 400mg daily can predispose to convulsions and this limit can be adjusted downwards in certain scenarios.

In two reports analyzing emergency room visits involving tramadol, the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that visits due to adverse reactions to the drug rose 145 percent, from about 11,000 visits in 2005 to nearly 27,000 visits in 2011; visits because of abuse or misuse rose 250 percent during the same period – from just over 6,300 visits in 2005 to almost 21,700 visits in 2011.

In both categories, many more women ended up in the ER than men. Women’s visits for adverse reactions, for example, spiked from about 7,600 visits in 2005 to more than 19,000 visits in 2011. By comparison, men’s visits went from about 2,500 in 2005 to around 8,000 in 2011.

By age, the greatest increase in ER visits because of tramadol-related misuse or abuse occurred among patients 55 or older, SAMHSA reported. This group experienced a 480 percent jump, from just 900 visits in 2005 to more than 5,000 in 2011. Patients ages 45 to 54 also saw a big increase – of 389 percent, researchers said in a statement.

In addition, patients ages 65 or older accounted for the largest number – 35 percent – of tramadol-related ER visits involving adverse reactions, according to the report, and half of them ended up being hospitalised.

Adverse reactions

“Tramadol is important for people with moderate to severe chronic pain, but older adults who end up in the ER are often on additional medications that can interact with tramadol, especially antidepressant medication,” he said in an interview.

Severe adverse reactions can include seizures and a potentially fatal reaction called serotonin syndrome. Many doctors prescribe tramadol because it’s considered safer than stronger opiates – which can cause oversedation and falls – or NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, which can cause stomach bleeding or kidney problems.

Dangerous side effects include a fast heartbeat, difficulty breathing, convulsions, lightheadedness, unusual drowsiness, confusion, fever and coma. Don’t take tramadol if you are taking medication for migraines, depression, anxiety, muscle spasms, mental illness, nausea and vomiting, all of which can increase the risk for seizures.

Discuss taking tramadol with your doctor to make sure there are no other risks that should be considered and to be sure that taking it is a beneficial option for you. Never take more than what is prescribed. If you’re still in pain, talk with your doctor. Don’t just increase your dose.

Never stop taking tramadol suddenly without speaking with your doctor first, especially if you’ve been on the medication for a while. Suddenly stopping can cause uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Adverse reactions to tramadol have always been well recognised by Pain experts, but are only now becoming well publicised. Prescribers, take care; users be aware.

Source: Vanguard

Garnish Your Meal With Garden Egg Stew

Recently have been quite interested in meals and diets especially when it comes to Nigerian meals.
There are many ways to enrich and balance a starchy diet, other than the typical tomato or vegetable stew. The garden egg stew is one of such ways.

Garnish Your Meal With Garden Egg Stew - See How
It is quick, easy to prepare and nutritious. It is best served hot and can be eaten with boiled rice, yam or plantain.


  • Garden Egg
  • Dried prawn
  • Smoked fish
  • Fresh pepper
  • Onion
  • Salt
  • Pumpkin leaves (optional)


  • Wash some garden egg and boil until they are soft.
  • Squash in a small mortar or with a grinding stone until the skin blends with the rest of it. Alternatively, peel off the skin before squashing
  • Dice some fresh pepper and slice some onions
  • Rinse your smoked fish and pick clean of bones
  • Rinse dried prawns
  • Heat some quantity of groundnut oil.
  • Put in the sliced onions and leave to simmer for 10 seconds.
  • Pour in your squashed garden eggs
  • Sprinkle some salt and add seasoning
  • Allow it to cook for a few minutes and then add your smoked fish and prawn
  • Let the stew simmer until all the water in it is drained.
At times, for variety, fresh pumpkin leaves are added to the stew along with the smoked fish and prawns to give a tasty, unforgettable experience.

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Kenyan Healthcare Training Institute By General Electric

General Electric (GE) ongoing commitment to supporting sustainable healthcare development in Kenya has recently inaugurated a new $13 million GE Healthcare Skills and Training Institute in the beautiful East African country.

Kenyan Healthcare Training Institute By General Electric (GE)

The facility is primarily an educational and training resource center that is slated for Kenyan healthcare professionals.
Kenyan Healthcare Training Institute By General Electric
The institute provides localized human capital development capabilities and expands on Kenya’s health ministry’s ongoing $420 million health modernization program.
The program is enjoying countrywide success, which has been confirmed with new impact data released from the ministry, showing improved access to radiology services for patients and increased operational performance.